5 tips to keep fit while travelling for business

We all know that exercising regularly requires focus and determination at the best of times.

So when you’re travelling for business and your routine changes, exercise is one of the first things to go out the window. Whether it’s walking more, doing some HIT or simple stretching, exercise helps reduce stress, clears the mind, and can help you think and perform at your work best, especially when combined with eating well.

Here’s 5 tips to to keep fighting fit

1 Only got a few minutes to spare?

For those who say they don’t have the time, recent studies have shown that as little as 20 seconds to a minute of Fast Exercise (intense sessions interspersed with periods of rest) 3 times a week is more effective at helping people lost weight and get fit. No more excuses.

2 And stretch…

If you’re one for calming exercise, stretching every day does wonders for tension release and helps keeps the muscles flexible, strong and healthy. Whether it’s a downward dog, simple leg stretch, sumo Squat or lying hug stretch, you don’t need any equipment to simply start stretching.

3 Walking between meetings

Walking to meetings, instead of catching a taxi or public transport, is a good way of getting your heart rate up and stretching your legs. And the bonus is you can incorporate it easily into your working day.

4 Sit less

You may have heard that sitting all day has been described as the new smoking. Take the opportunity to get up from your desk at regular intervals. Walk to that person instead of emailing them, and try take the stairs not the lift. Stand-up meetings are another way to get off your backside and burn more calories.

5 Find the nearest gym

If working out with others gives you the motivation to exercise, then there are plenty of gyms offering one day passses or pay as you go short term offers.