Creating the best environment to wake up refreshed

Getting a great night’s sleep and waking up refreshed can depend on many things, and something you may not have considered is your sleep environment at home. Check out our top tips for creating the ideal surroundings for sleeping soundly.

1. Colour is key

It may not seem obvious, but the colours of your bedroom can play a huge part in the quality of your sleep. Cool, soothing colours such as blue in your room can get you in the right mood for sleep by relaxing you and encouraging you to drift off peacefully. 

2. Keep it tidy

It’s well known that keeping your spaces tidy can do wonders for more than just your sleep. Having a clear space can help you along the way to a calm state of mind, helping you to doze off peacefully. If your bedroom becomes a place where your to-do list piles up, it can be counter-productive to good sleep so it goes without saying that giving your room a spring clean will aid you in getting some quality shut eye.

3. The perfect bed

Your bed is by far the most significant element of a good night’s rest. A comfortable mattress with plenty of space and adequate support will help you relax and snooze in comfort without leaving you feeling tired and achy when you wake up. Taking some time to find the ideal type of mattress for you and your body is key for a good night’s sleep.

4. Turn off your tech

Although they can be hard to stay away from, turning off all tech such as mobile phones and tablets at night can help create a better environment in which to doze off in peace. Even the slightest buzzing, beeping and the smallest side light can disrupt your sleep, so by turning these off before you turn in for the night you’re doing wonders for your sleep quality.