Effectively communicating in the workplace

With only 7% of the way we communicate being in the words we use, it’s not just what we say, but how we say it that counts.

Communicating effectively is arguably the best and most powerful tool you will ever have in business in order to get the job done. Learning how to communicate and more importantly, how to adapt your communication to suit your audiences is essential. While you may find you can talk the talk in everyday life, adapting this to the workplace can sometimes present its own challenges. Our tip sheet can help you on your way to great communication in the workplace with handy tips including:

  • How to get the best from your workforce
  • Considering your environment
  • Speaking with confidence

Our tip sheet also includes a link to the Myers-Briggs personality indicator where you can discover which of the 16 personality types you are. Finding out your personality, as well as the personalities of your fellow colleagues can help you on the way to more effective communication in the workplace.

Read our tip sheet on how to communicate more effectively in the workplace

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